Coffey Architects | The Extraordinary Dog Dwelling

Hold on to your leashes because Coffey Architects has unleashed their architectural prowess in a captivating canine creation called Fetch. This innovative dog kennel turns heads, wags tails, and barks with excitement. Get ready to witness the power of creativity, where simple ideas transform into something extraordinary.



Introducing Fetch

An Architectural Wonder that Makes Tails Wag
Imagine this: Lucky, the four-legged office companion at Coffey Architects, needed a cosy retreat that matched the studio's style. But Coffey Architects had bigger plans than an ordinary doghouse. They took the concept of a gabion basket, used for walls and landscapes, and injected it with an uproarious twist.


A Closer Look at Fetch

The Innovative Dog Kennel
Let's delve into Fetch, the wonder that has tails wagging. Coffey Architects replaced the rocks in the gabion basket with bouncing tennis balls, giving it a baller move. The once-grey mesh transformed into vibrant green, electrifying the kennel's charm.


Fetch isn't just design; it's limitless creativity. Coffey Architects showcased their innovation in Barkitecture, a kennel competition challenging designers. With a modest budget of £250, they created a tail-wagging wonder.


The Result: A Cube-Shaped Kennel with a Pitched Roof


The outcome? A cube-shaped kennel resembling a miniature house. It's simplicity meets charm, a true embodiment of a dog's enthusiastic tail wag. Top Dog Custom Cages brought this design to life, ensuring Lucky's comfort.


But let's not forget the star of the show – the glorious tennis balls. Approximately 500 of them, donated by Wilson, Roehampton Club, and Winchester Racquets and Fitness, scatter around Fetch's entrance. It's an invitation to play, promising endless fun. Coffey Architects envisions it evolving over time, accommodating Lucky's toys, old shoes, or soothing herbs like lavender or rosemary. Fetch becomes a treasure trove of surprises.


Fetch's Rise to Prominence and Unique Identity

While Lucky seems nonchalant, Fetch stole the limelight at a recent Barkitecture preview. One sausage dog assessed each kennel, but Fetch captured his heart, or should we say, his tail. Who can resist bouncing tennis balls and the vibrant green exterior?


Now, let's address the elephant in the doghouse – similarities with another kennel crafted by Denizen Works. But fear not, because both Coffey Architects and Denizen Works assure us it's a coincidence. After all, it's for charity!


Embrace the Power of Creativity for Canine Abodes

Fellow pet enthusiasts, let Fetch be a testament to the extraordinary power of creativity. Remarkable ideas are within our reach, waiting to be unleashed. Whether it's a quirky dog dwelling or a delightful DIY project, let your imagination run wild.


The world craves more innovative doghouses, and we all possess the creative spark to make it happen. Embrace your inner design maestro and let the tails wag in awe. When it comes to crafting the perfect abode for our furry friends, the woof of creativity knows no bounds!


Image: Coffey Architects


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