Kibble Katcher Pet Bowls

The European Product Design Award™ is one of the most important design competitions in the world. 


Kibble Katcher dog food and water bowl station has won the award, belonging to the section of Flora and Fauna/Pet Accessories. It is designed by Brandon Kennington and Blake Noh Nichols from Bluekube for Porch Potty.

The Kibble Katcher is a spill-proof feeding solution because the raised bowls are set on an angled aluminum shelf, and the spilled water and kibble can be directed into separate collection trays. 


We love the design because we cannot ask the dogs to behave themselves at the table, and we don’t want to clean the floor all the time. The kibble Katcher just meets our demand. Similar products are available on the market, but not delicate enough.

Neater Feeder $23.99


Now Kibble Katcher is available in Porch Potty, for more information, please visit:

Kibble Katcher $89



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